Interact with Jira's APIs Using Jira PHP

Code example for Jira PHP

Jira PHP is a highly efficient PHP API client that allows you to easily interact with the Jira API and the Service Desk API. This powerful package enables you to streamline your workflow and simplify your tasks.

For instance, you can use the following code snippet from the package's readme file to see how to use the Jira PHP client:

$client = Jira::client('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD', '');
$result = $client->issues()->search();
echo $result['issues'][0]['key']; // KEY-1000

At the moment, Jira PHP provides support for a wide range of functions that can make your work easier and faster. These include:

  • Attachments:

    • get()

    • remove()

    • download()

  • Customers:

    • create()
  • Groups:

    • create()

    • remove()

    • getUsers()

    • addUser()

    • removeUser()

  • Issues:

    • create()

    • bulk()

    • get()

    • delete()

    • edit()

    • archive()

    • assign()

    • getComments()

    • addComment()

    • updateComment()

    • deleteComment()

    • getComment()

    • getTransitions()

    • doTransition()

    • attach()

    • search()

  • Requests:

    • create()
  • Users:

    • update()

    • create()

    • remove()

    • get()

If you are looking to expand your skill set and learn more about how to use Jira PHP to optimize your applications, you can check out this package on GitHub at devmoath/jira-php. By using this package, you can save time and increase efficiency in your work, helping you to focus on what really matters.